Volume I |
Preface | ix |
I Moshé Flato, the man and the scientist |
Program of the inaugural meeting | 2 |
Speeches and Messages | 3 |
Daniel Sternheimer | 23 |
Moshé's Memoirs |
Daniel Sternheimer | 31 |
In retrospect: A personal view on Moshé Flato's
scientific legacy |
Curriculum vitae of Moshé Flato | 43 |
The publications of Moshé Flato | 45 |
II Applications of sciences
to insurance and finance |
Program of the special session | 56 |
Yvette Chassagne | 57 |
Le Conseil scientifique de l'UAP et ses réalisations |
Erik Taflin | 59 |
A new method for optimal equity allocation
and portfolio selection |
Jean-Claude Simon | 73 |
The recognition of handwriting |
Hélyette Geman | 81 |
From Bachelier and Lundberg to insurance and
weather derivatives |
III Quantization, deformations,
and symmetries |
Yakir Aharonov and Benni Reznik | 99 |
On the Bohr-Rosenfeld measurability problem
for non-linear systems |
Louis Boutet de Monvel | 109 |
Star-produits et star-algèbres holomorphes |
Alain Connes and Henri Moscovici | 121 |
Cyclic cohomology and Hopf algebra symmetry |
Ludwig Faddeev | 149 |
Modular double of a quantum group |
Boris Fedosov | 157 |
On G-trace and G-index in deformation quantization |
Sergio Ferrara and Alberto Zaffaroni | 177 |
Superconformal field theories, multiplet shortening,
and the AdS_5/SCFT_4 correspondence |
Jürg Fröhlich, Tai-Peng Tsai, and Horng-Tzer Yau | 189 |
On a classical limit of quantum theory
and the non-linear Hartree equation |
Christian Frønsdal | 209 |
Singletons and neutrinos |
Simone Gutt | 217 |
Variations on deformation quantization |
Maxim Kontsevich and Yan Soibelman | 255 |
Deformations of algebras
over operads and the Deligne conjecture |
Bertram Kostant | 309 |
A generalization of the Bott-Borel-Weil
theorem and Euler number multiplets of representations |
Elliot Lieb and Michael Loss | 327 |
Self-energy of electrons in non-perturbative QED |
Wilfried Schmid | 345 |
Automorphic distributions for SL(2,R) |
Jacques C. H. Simon and Erik Taflin | 389 |
Nonlinear relativistic evolution equations:
Survey of a new approach |
Leon A. Takhtajan | 403 |
Quantum field theories on an algebraic curve |
Program of the conference | 417 |
List of participants | 421 |
Committees | 425 |
Index | 427 |
Volume II |
Table of contents of volume II | v |
IV Contributed papers |
Evgenios Angelopoulos and Mourad Laoues | 3 |
Singletons on AdS_n |
Akira Asada | 25 |
Remarks on the zeta-regularized
determinant of differential operators |
Santos Asin Lares | 37 |
Projectable star-products |
Martin Bordemann | 45 |
The deformation quantization of certain
super-Poisson brackets and BRST cohomology |
Henrique Bursztyn and Stefan Waldmann | 69 |
On positive deformations of *-algebras |
Michel Cahen, Simone Gutt, and John Rawnsley | 81 |
Symmetric symplectic spaces with Ricci-type curvature |
Jintai Ding and Boris Feigin | 93 |
Drinfeld realization of quantum superalgebras
and U_q(osp(1,2)) |
Benjamin Enriquez and Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach | 105 |
Quantum homogeneous spaces and quasi-Hopf algebras |
Robert Finkelstein | 123 |
Gauged q-fields |
Jean-Pierre Gazeau and Pascal Monceau | 131 |
Generalized coherent states for arbitrary quantum systems |
Tyler J. Jarvis, Takashi Kimura, and Arkady Vaintrob | 145 |
Tensor products of Frobenius manifolds
and moduli spaces of higher spin curves |
Alexander V. Karabegov | 167 |
On Fedosov's approach to deformation quantization
with separation of variables |
Maurice Kibler | 177 |
The Master thesis of Moshé Flato |
Rémi Léandre | 185 |
Anticipative Chen-Souriau cohomology
and Hochschild cohomology |
Bodgan Mielnik | 199 |
Are there macroscopic quantum bodies? |
Carlos Moreno and José António Pereira da Silva | 211
Star-products, spectral analysis,
and hyperfunctions |
Victor Novozhilov and Yuri Novozhilov | 225 |
Induced action in QCD |
Hideki Omori, Yoshiaki Maeda, Naoya Miyazaki,
and Akira Yoshioka | 233 |
Deformation quantization of Fréchet-Poisson algebras:
Convergence of the Moyal product |
Mathias Pillin | 247 |
On the deformation aspects of the replica thermalisation
of the SU(2)-invariant Thirring model |
Piotr Raczka | 257 |
Improved perturbation expansion in quantum chromodynamics |
Nicolai Reshetikhin and Milen Yakimov | 263 |
Deformation quantization of Lagrangian fiber bundles |
Martin Schlichenmaier | 289 |
Deformation quantization of
compact Kähler manifolds
by Berezin-Toeplitz quantization |
Alexander A. Voronov | 307 |
Homotopy Gerstenhaber algebras |
Alan Weinstein | 333 |
Linearization problems
for Lie algebroids and Lie groupoids |
Appendix A: Program of the scientific conference | 343 |
Appendix B: Table of contents of volume I | 345 |
Index | 347 |