Conférence Moshé Flato 1999

Dijon  5 - 8 September 1999

Proceedings of CMF1999

The proceedings of the Conférence Moshé Flato 1999 were published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in the series Mathematical Physics Studies in July 2000. They are constituted of 2 volumes (x+428 pages and vi+348 pages) and are edited by Giuseppe Dito and Daniel Sternheimer.

Volume I
I  Moshé Flato, the man and the scientist
Program of the inaugural meeting2
Speeches and Messages3
Daniel Sternheimer23
  Moshé's Memoirs
Daniel Sternheimer31
  In retrospect: A personal view on Moshé Flato's scientific legacy
Curriculum vitae of Moshé Flato43
The publications of Moshé Flato45
II  Applications of sciences to insurance and finance
Program of the special session56
Yvette Chassagne57
   Le Conseil scientifique de l'UAP et ses réalisations
Erik Taflin59
   A new method for optimal equity allocation and portfolio selection
Jean-Claude Simon73
   The recognition of handwriting
Hélyette Geman81
   From Bachelier and Lundberg to insurance and weather derivatives
III  Quantization, deformations, and symmetries
Yakir Aharonov and Benni Reznik99
  On the Bohr-Rosenfeld measurability problem for non-linear systems
Louis Boutet de Monvel109
   Star-produits et star-algèbres holomorphes
Alain Connes and Henri Moscovici121
   Cyclic cohomology and Hopf algebra symmetry
Ludwig Faddeev149
   Modular double of a quantum group
Boris Fedosov157
   On G-trace and G-index in deformation quantization
Sergio Ferrara and Alberto Zaffaroni177
   Superconformal field theories, multiplet shortening, and the AdS_5/SCFT_4 correspondence
Jürg Fröhlich, Tai-Peng Tsai, and Horng-Tzer Yau189
   On a classical limit of quantum theory and the non-linear Hartree equation
Christian Frønsdal209
   Singletons and neutrinos
Simone Gutt217
   Variations on deformation quantization
Maxim Kontsevich and Yan Soibelman255
   Deformations of algebras over operads and the Deligne conjecture
Bertram Kostant309
   A generalization of the Bott-Borel-Weil theorem and Euler number multiplets of representations
Elliot Lieb and Michael Loss327
   Self-energy of electrons in non-perturbative QED
Wilfried Schmid345
   Automorphic distributions for SL(2,R)
Jacques C. H. Simon and Erik Taflin389
   Nonlinear relativistic evolution equations: Survey of a new approach
Leon A. Takhtajan403
   Quantum field theories on an algebraic curve
Program of the conference417
List of participants421
Volume II
Table of contents of volume IIv
IV  Contributed papers
Evgenios Angelopoulos and Mourad Laoues3
   Singletons on AdS_n
Akira Asada25
   Remarks on the zeta-regularized determinant of differential operators
Santos Asin Lares37
   Projectable star-products
Martin Bordemann45
  The deformation quantization of certain super-Poisson brackets and BRST cohomology
Henrique Bursztyn and Stefan Waldmann69
  On positive deformations of *-algebras
Michel Cahen, Simone Gutt, and John Rawnsley81
  Symmetric symplectic spaces with Ricci-type curvature
Jintai Ding and Boris Feigin93
  Drinfeld realization of quantum superalgebras and U_q(osp(1,2))
Benjamin Enriquez and Yvette Kosmann-Schwarzbach105
  Quantum homogeneous spaces and quasi-Hopf algebras
Robert Finkelstein123
  Gauged q-fields
Jean-Pierre Gazeau and Pascal Monceau131
  Generalized coherent states for arbitrary quantum systems
Tyler J. Jarvis, Takashi Kimura, and Arkady Vaintrob145
  Tensor products of Frobenius manifolds and moduli spaces of higher spin curves
Alexander V. Karabegov167
  On Fedosov's approach to deformation quantization with separation of variables
Maurice Kibler177
  The Master thesis of Moshé Flato
Rémi Léandre185
  Anticipative Chen-Souriau cohomology and Hochschild cohomology
Bodgan Mielnik199
  Are there macroscopic quantum bodies?
Carlos Moreno and José António Pereira da Silva211
  Star-products, spectral analysis, and hyperfunctions
Victor Novozhilov and Yuri Novozhilov225
  Induced action in QCD
Hideki Omori, Yoshiaki Maeda, Naoya Miyazaki, and Akira Yoshioka233
  Deformation quantization of Fréchet-Poisson algebras: Convergence of the Moyal product
Mathias Pillin247
  On the deformation aspects of the replica thermalisation of the SU(2)-invariant Thirring model
Piotr Raczka257
  Improved perturbation expansion in quantum chromodynamics
Nicolai Reshetikhin and Milen Yakimov263
  Deformation quantization of Lagrangian fiber bundles
Martin Schlichenmaier289
  Deformation quantization of compact Kähler manifolds by Berezin-Toeplitz quantization
Alexander A. Voronov307
  Homotopy Gerstenhaber algebras
Alan Weinstein333
  Linearization problems for Lie algebroids and Lie groupoids
Appendix A: Program of the scientific conference343
Appendix B: Table of contents of volume I345