
Conférence Moshé Flato 2000

Dijon  11 - 14 September 2000

Moshé Flato, born 17 September 1937, founder in 1968 of the "Laboratoire de Mathématique physique" in Dijon and of "Letters in Mathematical Physics" in 1975, died suddenly from cerebral hematoma in Paris, 27 November 1998. At the request of many in the mathematics and mathematical physics community we have organized a Conference in his honor, at a date as close to his birthday as made possible by various constraints. These preliminary steps were taken by Daniel Sternheimer, Jacques Simon, Wilfried Schmid and Jean-Claude Cortet, helped by all members of Moshé's laboratory in Dijon, and a number of other friends in France and elsewhere. The idea was to have a Conference which Moshé would have been happy to attend and shows the many domains of mathematics, mathematical physics and physics that were close to his heart.

The first "Conférence Moshé Flato" took place in Dijon, September 5 through September 8, 1999. Its various components were attended by about 150 French and foreign scientists, in addition to a number of other participants. Indeed, Moshé would have enjoyed this conference immensely.

The proceedings of CMF1999 were published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in July 2000. The two volumes will be available at the Conference.

The second "Conférence Moshé Flato" will take place in Dijon, from September 11 through September 13, 2000. It will cover subjects ranging from mathematics to mathematical physics, especially new developments in topics treated in the first Scientific Conference. An informal satellite conference is scheduled on Thursday September 14. Further details shall be communicated later.

The European Commission will partly fund it within its Fifth Framework Programme as a High Level Scientific Conference. Under the rules of a "EuroConference", we limited attendance to 95 registered participants and essentially reached that limit. We also require a registration fee which we limited to a modest 50 Euros, payable at the Conference. In most cases the registration fees can be covered by a grant. Participation of young (under 35) talented scientists from the European Union and Associated States was encouraged. Further details will be posted here and updated regularly. In some exceptional cases a request for registration can still be submitted and eventually accepted, so potential candidates are encouraged to enquire. The Conference Coordinator is Daniel Sternheimer.

Plenary speakers:

  • D. Broadhurst
  • P. Cartier
  • A. Cattaneo
  • A. Connes
  • C. Frønsdal
  • G. Halbout
  • M. Karasëv
  • M. Kontsevich
  • D. Kreimer
  • M. Polyak
  • B. Shoikhet
  • Y. Soibelman
  • D. Tamarkin
  • B. Tsygan
  • M. Vergne
  • A. Weinstein

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Laboratoire Gevrey de Mathématique physique
Université de Bourgogne
BP 47870
21078 Dijon Cedex

Last update: September 5, 2000