Conférence Moshé Flato 2000
Under the auspices of Jack Lang, Ministre de l'Éducation Nationale
The Conference will be held at the University,
Bâtiment Sciences Mirande, Amphithéâtre Maurice Gevrey
Monday, September 11 | |
9:30 10:00 | Opening |
10:00 11:00 | Pierre Cartier (École normale supérieure) |
Nilpotent Lie algebras, dressing group in renormalization and a toy model for the Grothendieck-Teichmüller group | |
- Coffee break - | |
11:30 12:30 | Alain Connes (Collège de France) |
Renormalization group and the Riemann-Hilbert problem | |
- Lunch - | |
14:30 15:30 | Alan Weinstein (Berkeley) |
Poisson geometry of the discrete series: Toward a momentum convexity theorem for noncompact groups | |
15:45 16:45 | Mikhaël Karasëv (Moscow) |
Quantum surfaces, special functions, and the tunneling effect | |
- Coffee break - | |
17:15 18:15 | Dirk Kreimer (Mainz) |
Algebraic structures in Feynman diagrams | |
18:20 19:20 | David Broadhurst (Open University, UK) |
Polylogarithms in quantum field theory | |
Tuesday, September 12 | |
10:00 11:00 | Maxim Kontsevich (IHES) |
Deformation quantization and algebraic geometry | |
- Coffee break - | |
11:30 12:30 | Yan Soibelman (Kansas State Univ.) |
Quantum tori and elliptic curves | |
- Lunch - | |
14:30 15:30 | Dmitry Tamarkin (Harvard) |
Cyclic formality, deformation quantization, and application to index theorems | |
15:45 16:45 | Alberto Cattaneo (Zürich) |
Deformation quantization and Poisson sigma model | |
- Coffee break - | |
17:15 18:15 | Michael Polyak (Tel-Aviv) |
Quantization of Poisson brackets and degrees of maps | |
18:20 19:00 | Ryszard Nest (Copenhagen) |
Continuous deformations of symplectic manifolds | |
20:30 23:15 | Dinner at the Clos du Roy, Chenôve. |
Wednesday, September 13 | |
10:00 11:00 | Boris Tsygan (Penn. State) |
Deformation quantization and index theory | |
- Coffee break - | |
11:30 12:30 | Michèle Vergne (CNRS, École polytechnique) |
Sur l'isomorphisme de Duflo | |
- Lunch - | |
14:30 15:30 | Gilles Halbout (Strasbourg) |
Some aspects of deformation quantization: index theorems and formality for chains | |
15:40 16:40 | Boris Shoikhet (Moscow) |
Deformation quantization with traces and vanishing of the wheels | |
- Coffee break - | |
17:00 18:00 | Christian Frønsdal (UCLA) |
Some retrospections and something new about quantization | |
- Closure and cocktail - | |
Thursday, September 14 - Satellite conference | |
09:00 10:00 | Leon Takhtajan (SUNY Stony Brook) |
Bosonization and tau-functions for compact Riemann surfaces and closed Jordan curves | |
- Coffee break - | |
10:25 11:25 | Giovanni Felder (ETHZ) |
Conformal field theory on surfaces with boundary | |
11:30 12:30 | Ezra Getzler (Northwestern) |
Jet spaces of Frobenius manifold and Gromov-Witten invariants in higher genus | |
- Lunch - | |
14:15 18:30 | The talks will be announced at the conference. |