The school will be dedicated to a wide range of themes on groups, Lie algebras, their representation theoretic aspects, and their applications in various fields. The first week of the school will be devoted to introductory courses, while the second week will focus on more advanced material.
The school is intended for graduate students (M.Sc. and Ph.D.) in Mathematics and Theoretical Physics of all levels. Advanced courses can also be of interest to young researchers.
Announcement: In view of the current pandemic and travel restrictions in various countries, we have decided that the school will be held in a hybrid mode. Registered participants will be kept informed about the relevant resources: videos and live streaming.
Mathematical aspects of Quantum mechanics
Giuseppe Dito ● Université de Bourgogne
Illustration of Lie group theory with real matrices of order two
Jean-Pierre Gazeau ● Université de Paris
Lie groups and Lie algebras
Kinvi Kangni ● Université de Cocody-Abidjan
Representations of Lie algebras
Vyacheslav Futorny ● Universidade de São Paulo
The role of group theory in coherent states
and coherent states quantization
Laure Gouba ● ICTP
Lie algebroids and Lie groupoids in Poisson geometry
Aissa Wade ● Pennsylvania State University
Giuseppe Dito ● Université de Bourgogne
Ménédore Karimumuryango ● Université du Burundi
Jean-Bosco Kayoya ● Université du Burundi
Juma Shabani ● Université du Burundi
Aissa Wade ● Pennsylvania State University
Giuseppe Dito ● Université de Bourgogne
Vyacheslav Futorny ● Universidade de São Paulo
Jean-Pierre Gazeau ● Université de Paris
Laure Gouba ● ICTP
Kinvi Kangni ● Université de Cocody-Abidjan
Aissa Wade ● Pennsylvania State University