This event will celebrate Masaki Kashiwara’s 70th birthday and, in particular, his outstanding contribution to algebraic analysis. One goal of the conference is to cover recent developments in the field of Algebraic Analysis and related topics. We do hope that this meeting would allow young researchers, from France and abroad, working in this field to interact with leading experts on the themes of the conference.
The videos of the talks are available on the IHES YouTube channel.
Giuseppe Dito ● Université de Bourgogne
Maxim Kontsevich ● IHÉS
Pierre Schapira ● Université Paris 6
Anton Alekseev ● Université de Genève
Philip Boalch ● Université Paris-Sud
Anna Cadoret ● École polytechnique
Giovanni Felder ● ETH Zürich
Julien Grivaux ● Aix-Marseille Université & IHÉS
Stéphane Guillermou ● Université Grenoble Alpes
Mikhail Kapranov ● IPMU, The University of Tokyo
Masaki Kashiwara ● RIMS, Kyoto University
Maxim Kontsevich ● IHÉS
François Loeser ● Université Paris 6
Takuro Mochizuki ● RIMS, Kyoto University
Motohico Mulase ● UC Davis
Hiraku Nakajima ● RIMS, Kyoto University
Marco Robalo ● Université Paris 6
Raphaël Rouquier ● UCLA
Takeshi Saito ● The University of Tokyo
David Treumann ● Boston College
Michèle Vergne ● Université Paris 7
Gabriele Vezzosi ● Università di Firenze
Tony Yue Yu ● Université Paris-Sud